Music Information Retrieval
Opportunities for digital musicology

November 2023 - Ghent
Joren Six
Note: Some audio examples have been deliberately left out of this version of the presentation due to copyright.


  • Studied computer science
  • Researcher at Ghent Conservatory
  • Phd at IPEM Engineering Systematic Musicology
  • Involved as Post Doc:
    • Nano4Sports Low impact runner
    • CONBOTS COnnected throug roBOTS
    • AMPLE the Augmented Movement Platform for Embodied Learning
    • PaPiOM Patterns in Pitch Organization in Music
  • Now at Ghent Center for Digital Humanities


  • Music Information Retrieval
    • Introduction
    • Music information - Tasks
    • Methods - Tools
  • Pitch organisation: PaPiOM
    • Introduction
    • Music information
    • Methods
    • Case study
  • Duplicate detection
    • Introduction
    • Music information
    • Methods
    • Applications

MIR introduction


An overview of the Music Information Retrieval research field while focusing on opportunities for digital musicology.
Downie, J. S. (2003). Music information retrieval. Annual review of information science and technology, 37(1), 295-340.

MIR introduction


Music Information Retrieval is the interdisciplinary science of extracting and processing information from music.

MIR combines insights from musicology, computer science, library sciences, psychology, machine learning and cognitive sciences.

MIR introduction

MIR tasks process information on music. Music information can be captured by signals or symbols.


Signals are representations of analog manifestations and replicate perception. Symbols are discretized, limited and replicate content.
Example: The task of transcribing a lecture is a conversion of a signal into the symbolic domain. An audio recording serves as input, a text is the output. The symbolic representation is easy to search but lacks nuance.

Music information


  • Recorded performances
    • Video
    • Audio
    • Motion capture
    • MIDI
  • Scans of scores


  • Meta-data
    • Artist
    • Title
    • Album-name
    • Label
    • Composer
    • Instrumentation ...
  • Lyrics
  • Rags, reviews, ratings
  • Digitized scores

Music information


Fig: Scanned score




Code: MusicXML Digitized score

Music information: Signal or symbol?

Signal or symbol?

Recorded MIDI
Arthur Rubinstein
Daniel Barenboim

Music information

A score can be seen as a model of a performance.


"Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful"
- George E.P. Box
Models aim to reduce dimensions, complexity and improve understanding and readability.

MIR tasks: music transcription

Fig: music transcription

  • Source separation
  • Instrument recognition
  • Pitch estimation and segmentation
  • Tempo and rhythm extraction

Task type: signal → symbolic
Image from: Müller, M. (2015). Fundamentals of music processing

MIR tasks: structural analysis

Fig: structural analysis

Task type: signal → symbolic

MIR tasks: music recommendation

Fig: Spotify automatically generates playlists based on listening behaviour

Music recommendation
  • Content based: signal → symbolic
  • Based on (listening) behaviour: symbolic → symbolic

MIR tasks: other tasks

  • Score following: page turning based on musical content
  • Music emotion recognition
  • Automatic cover song identification
  • Optical music recognition: convert images of scores into digital scores
  • Symbolic music retrieval
  • Automatic genre recognition

MIR Tasks

Most tasks enable to browse, categorize, query or discover music in large databases of music.

MIR tasks: ± Solved

  • Monophonic pitch estimation
    De Cheveigné, A., & Kawahara, H. (2002). YIN, a fundamental frequency estimator for speech and music. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111(4), 1917-1930.

  • Content based audio search
    Six, J., & Leman, M. (2014). Panako: a scalable acoustic fingerprinting system handling time-scale and pitch modification. In 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR-2014).

MIR tasks: challenges

Un-mix the mix

Decomposing a mixed audio signal is very very hard.
Masking, overlapping partials make e.g. polyphonic pitch detection hard.

Fig: Mixing is easy,...


MIR tasks: challenges

Image from: Müller, M. (2015). Fundamentals of music processing

MIR Methods - Bag of features

Fig: input → feature(s) → feature processing → output

MIR Methods - Bag of features

Bag of features and classifier to represent e.g. a musical genre.

  • MFCC, timbral characteristic
  • Spectral centroid
  • Spectral moment
  • Zero crossing rate
  • Number of low energy frames
  • Autocorrelation lag
  • ....
Leman, M., Moelants, D., Varewyck, M., Styns, F., van Noorden, L., & Martens, J. P. (2013). Activating and relaxing music entrains the speed of beat synchronized walking. PloS one, 8(7), e67932.

MIR Methods - Data based

System learns a solution from (many) correct examples.

  • Denoising
  • Decomposition
  • Transcription
  • Genre detection
  • AI-music generation
  • ....

MIR Tools - Sonic visualiser

Fig: sonic visualiser
Sonic Visualiser is an application for viewing and analyzing the contents of audio files. It has support for:
  • Beat tracking
  • Cord estimation
  • Melody detection
  • Onset detection
  • Annotations

Sonic visualiser

MIR Tools - Tartini

Fig: Tartini software
Specialized tool for (violin) pitch analysis
  • Vibrato analysis
  • Pitch contour
  • Transcription


MIR Tools - Music 21

Fig: Music 21
A programming environment for symbolic music analysis
  • Query rhythmic features
  • Melodic contours
  • Chord progressions


MIR Tools - MusicLM: Generating Music From Text

Caption Generated audio
The main soundtrack of an arcade game. It is fast-paced and upbeat, with a catchy electric guitar riff. The music is repetitive and easy to remember, but with unexpected sounds, like cymbal crashes or drum rolls.
A fusion of reggaeton and electronic dance music, with a spacey, otherworldly sound. Induces the experience of being lost in space, and the music would be designed to evoke a sense of wonder and awe, while being danceable.
A rising synth is playing an arpeggio with a lot of reverb. It is backed by pads, sub bass line and soft drums. This song is full of synth sounds creating a soothing and adventurous atmosphere. It may be playing at a festival during two songs for a buildup.
Slow tempo, bass-and-drums-led reggae song. Sustained electric guitar. High-pitched bongos with ringing tones. Vocals are relaxed with a laid-back feel, very expressive.

MIR Tools - Audio Denoising

Noisy input


Li, Y., Gfeller, B., Tagliasacchi, M., & Roblek, D. (2020). Learning to denoise historical music. arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.02027.

MIR tools - Apple Music Sing

Apple music sing
Fig: Apple Music Sing, surpress singing voice from any song

MIR tools - - Tools for musicians

Vid: source separation with
Tools for musicians or analysis:
  • Chord detection
  • Source separation
  • Tempo estimation


MIR Methods - Problems

MIR research is often limited by (over?) simplification:

  • MIR focuses mainly on classical western art music or popular music with ethnocentric terminology like scores, chords, tone scale, chromagrams, instrumentation, rhythmical structures.
  • It is mainly goal oriented and pragmatic (MIREX) without explaining processes. More engineering than science?
  • Unclear which features correlate with which cognitive processes.
  • It is mainly concerned with a limited, disembodied view on music: disregarding social interaction, movement, dance, the body, individual or cultural preferences.

MIR Methods - Problems


Essentially, all MIR-research is wrong, but some is useful


Patterns in Pitch Organization in Music

PaPiOM: Introduction


“Patterns are fundamental in music around the world”

Why study cross-cultural patterns in music?

  • Origins of music
  • Evolution of music
  • Non-human musicality
  • Nature-nurture debates
  • Definition of music

Brown, Steven, and Joseph Jordania. "Universals in the world’s musics." Psychology of Music 41.2 (2013): 229-248.
Bod, R. (2013). Who's afraid of Patterns?: The Particular versus the Universal and the Meaning of Humanities 3.0. BMGN-Low Countries Historical Review, 128(4), 171-180.

PaPiOM: Introduction

Action and Perception
  • Context-poor
  • Data-poor
  • Controlled
  • Many studies
  • Context-rich
  • Data-rich
  • Wild
  • Few large scale

Repp, B. H. (2005). Sensorimotor synchronization: a review of the tapping literature. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 12(6), 969-992.

Panteli, M., Benetos, E., & Dixon, S. (2018). A review of manual and computational approaches for the study of world music corpora. Journal of New Music Research, 47(2), 176-189.

PaPiOM: Introduction


PaPiOM: perform large-scale corpus-based studies to identify patterns in pitch use in music. Link corpus-based findings with other findings.

Study of patterns in music

Potential patterns common in music around the world:

  • Distinctness of pitches
  • Octave equivalence
  • Number of pitch classes
  • Intervals between pitch classes
Brown, Steven, and Joseph Jordania. "Universals in the world’s musics." Psychology of Music 41.2 (2013): 229-248.

PaPiOM: Introduction

PaPiOM: Music Information

Starting from a recording we need a semi-automated way to extract:

  • Main pitch contour
  • Pitch Class Set (scale)
To interpret, other data is needed
  • Meta-data: recording place, date, people, language, ...

Methods: pitch tracking

Methods: pitch tracking

Methods: pitch tracking - Pitch Class?

Methods: pitch tracking - Pitch Class?

PaPiOM: Case study - Wax Cylinder Recordings

  • Culturally diverse
  • Geographically spread
  • 'Uninfluenced'

  • Noisy
  • Short
  • Unbalanced

Fig: Wax Cylinders, most poplar around 1896–1916 with a capacity of about 2 minutes.

PaPiOM: Case study - Wax Cylinder Recordings

IU - K.E. Laman, 1911, French Equatorial IU - G. Herzog, 1930, Liberia RMCA - P. Tempels, 1944, RDC RMCA - P. Tempels, 1944, RDC - Denoised
Moliner, E., & Välimäki, V. (2022, May). A two-stage u-net for high-fidelity denoising of historical recordings. ICASSP 2022-2022. IEEE.

PaPiOM: Case study - Wax Cylinder Recordings

  • The concept of pitch class is present
  • 170 or 240 cents as building blocks
  • 2 to 8 pitch classes
  • Fifth is almost always present.
Fig: The number of songs for each pitch class set size.

PaPiOM: Case study - Wax Cylinder Recordings

Fig: Pitch intervals between all pitch classes for recordings with 5 identified pitch classes.

PaPiOM: Case study - Wax Cylinder Recordings

Fig: Pitch intervals between all pitch classes for recordings with 4 identified pitch classes.

PaPiOM: Case study - Wax Cylinder Recordings

  • Bias: selection or recording technology
  • Analysis assumes octave equivalence (498 = 702)
  • Absolute pitch unclear
  • Timbre ignored
  • Unbalanced dataset
  • Release dataset without audio
  • Separating scale origins difficult
    • perception
    • production
    • information content minimization
    • transmission
McPherson, M. J., & McDermott, J. H. (2023). Relative pitch representations and invariance to timbre. Cognition, 232, 105327.

PaPiOM: Summary

  • MIR task: find patterns in pitch use
  • Music information: signal to symbolic pitch classes
  • Feature based method: pitch tracking and processing
  • Case study: 400 historic recordings reveal patterns


Duplicate detection for digital musicology

Duplicate detection: Introduction

What if we have an easy way to detect duplicate audio?
Six, J., Bressan, F., & Leman, M. (2018, January). Applications of duplicate detection in music archives: from metadata comparison to storage optimisation. In Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries (pp. 101-113). Springer, Cham.

Duplicate detection: Introduction

Duplicate detection: introduction

Duplicate detection: Music Information

Fig: General acoustic fingerprinting schema. Audio to fingerprints.

Duplicate detection: methods

Duplicate detection: Music Information

Fig: Spectral peak based acoustic fingerprinting schema
Six, J., & Leman, M. (2014). Panako: a scalable acoustic fingerprinting system handling time-scale and pitch modification. In 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR-2014).

Duplicate detection: Applications - Musical structure

Fig: structure in 'Ribs Out' by Fuck Buttons

Duplicate detection: Applications - Exact repetition in music

Fig: exact repetition in popular music over the years

Duplicate detection: versions

Fig: Radio vs original edit

Duplicate detection: Applications - DJ-set analysis

Duplicates after time-stretching, pitch-shifting and tempo change:
  • Which parts of which songs were played and for how long
  • Which modifications were applied (percentage modification of time and frequency)
Six, J., & Leman, M. (2014). Panako: a scalable acoustic fingerprinting system handling time-scale and pitch modification. In 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR-2014).

Duplicate detection: Applications - Compare meta-data

Duplicate detection: Applications - Twins

First twin Second twin
Year recorded ? 1949
Title The daughter Mandega ?
People Zezuru Shona / Zezuru
Collector Hugh Tracey Hugh Tracey

Duplicate detection: Applications - Merge digital music archives

Fig: merge digital music archives: two + three = four

Duplicate detection: Applications - Improve listening experiences

Fig: Redirect listeners to higher quality audio

Duplicate detection: Applications - Re-use segmentation

Fig: segmentation meta-data reuse.

Duplicate detection: Summary

  • MIR task: find duplicate audio
  • Music information: signal to symbolic, searchable fingerprints
  • Feature based method: spectral peaks
  • Many applications
Six, J., Bressan, F., & Leman, M. (2018, January). Applications of duplicate detection in music archives: from metadata comparison to storage optimisation. In Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries (pp. 101-113). Springer, Cham.

General Summary

  • MIR is the interdisciplinary science of extracting and processing information from music.
  • Symbols and signals encode musical information.
  • MIR offers opportunities for innovative (large scale) digital musicology and find patterns in music.
  • Duplicate detection has many applications and can use spectral information to identify matches between audio.
