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d(int, int) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Hamming
d(long, long) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Hamming
Returns Hamming distance between the two long integers.
d(BitSet, BitSet) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Hamming
dataFromLine(String) - Method in class
dataFromLine(String) - Method in class
DAYS - be.panako.util.TimeUnit
decode(long) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Morton2D
Decode Morton (z-ordering)
DECODER - be.panako.util.Key
Enabling the ffmpeg pipe allows support for almost all audio formats in the known universe.
DECODER_PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE - be.panako.util.Key
The buffer used to cache the results from the pipe.
DECODER_PIPE_COMMAND - be.panako.util.Key
The command that streams PCM audio to a pipe
The pipe command environment
The pipe command argument
DECODER_PIPE_LOG_FILE - be.panako.util.Key
The log file for the pipe decoder.
DEFAULT_MICROPHONE - Static variable in class be.panako.cli.Panako
A static string describing the default microphone.
delete(String, String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
delete(String, String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
Delete - Class in be.panako.cli
Store audio fingerptings in the storage.
Delete() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Delete
deleteMetadata(long) - Method in class
deleteMetadata(long) - Method in class
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Application
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Clear
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Configuration
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Delete
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Load
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Monitor
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Play
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Print
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Query
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Resolve
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Same
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Stats
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Store
duration - Variable in class
duration - Variable in class
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