Class OlafEventPointProcessor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OlafEventPointProcessor extends Object implements be.tarsos.dsp.AudioProcessor
  • Constructor Details

    • OlafEventPointProcessor

      public OlafEventPointProcessor(int fftSize)
  • Method Details

    • process

      public boolean process(be.tarsos.dsp.AudioEvent audioEvent)
      Description copied from interface: be.tarsos.dsp.AudioProcessor
      Process the audio event. Do the actual signal processing on an (optionally) overlapping buffer.
      Specified by:
      process in interface be.tarsos.dsp.AudioProcessor
      audioEvent - The audio event that contains audio data.
      False if the chain needs to stop here, true otherwise. This can be used to implement e.g. a silence detector.
    • getMagnitudes

      public float[] getMagnitudes()
    • processingFinished

      public void processingFinished()
      Description copied from interface: be.tarsos.dsp.AudioProcessor
      Notify the AudioProcessor that no more data is available and processing has finished. Can be used to deallocate resources or cleanup.
      Specified by:
      processingFinished in interface be.tarsos.dsp.AudioProcessor
    • getFingerprints

      public List<OlafFingerprint> getFingerprints()
    • getEventPoints

      public List<OlafEventPoint> getEventPoints()
    • reset

      public void reset()