
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V W Δ 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


ABSOLUTE_CENTS - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
Number of cents compared to the "absolute zero" a configured, low frequency.
absoluteCentToHertz(double) - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
Returns the frequency (Hz) of an absolute cent value.
ACCEPT_ALL_ROWFILTER - Static variable in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
acceptRow(String[]) - Method in interface be.panako.util.FileUtils.RowFilter
add(char) - Method in class be.panako.util.Trie
addToDeleteQueue(long, int, int) - Method in class
addToDeleteQueue(long, int, int, int) - Method in class
addToQueryQueue(long) - Method in interface
addToQueryQueue(long) - Method in class
addToQueryQueue(long) - Method in class
addToQueryQueue(long) - Method in class
addToQueryQueue(long) - Method in interface
addToQueryQueue(long) - Method in class
addToQueryQueue(long) - Method in class
addToQueryQueue(long) - Method in class
addToStoreQueue(long, int, int) - Method in interface
addToStoreQueue(long, int, int) - Method in class
addToStoreQueue(long, int, int) - Method in class
addToStoreQueue(long, int, int) - Method in class
addToStoreQueue(long, int, int, int) - Method in interface
addToStoreQueue(long, int, int, int) - Method in class
addToStoreQueue(long, int, int, int) - Method in class
addToStoreQueue(long, int, int, int) - Method in class
allPrefixes() - Method in class be.panako.util.Trie
appendFile(String, String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Appends a string to a file on disk.
Application - Class in be.panako.cli
Application is the abstract base class of applications with a command line interface.
Application() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Application
autoComplete(String) - Method in class be.panako.util.Trie
AVAILABLE_PROCESSORS - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
The number of processors available to Panako.
availableProcessors() - Static method in class be.panako.cli.Application
Checks the configuration and returns either the number of configured number of available processors to use or the maximum number of available processors if the configured value is zero or negative.


basename(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Returns the filename without path and without extension.
be.panako.cli - package be.panako.cli
Panako command line applications.
be.panako.strategy - package be.panako.strategy
be.panako.strategy.olaf - package be.panako.strategy.olaf - package
be.panako.strategy.panako - package be.panako.strategy.panako - package
be.panako.strategy.pch - package be.panako.strategy.pch
be.panako.util - package be.panako.util
Utility classes for Panako


centToRatio(double) - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
Converts cent values to ratios.
CHECK_DUPLICATE_FILE_NAMES - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
Checks the data store if the file # is already added.
checkFile(String) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Application
Checks if a file exists and can be read.
children - Variable in class be.panako.util.Trie
classToName(Class<? extends Strategy>) - Static method in class be.panako.strategy.Strategy
clear() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.pch.PitchClassHistogramStrategy
clear() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.Strategy
Clear al information from the key value store
Clear - Class in be.panako.cli
Clear() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Clear
clearStoreQueue() - Method in class
clearStoreQueue() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
combine(String...) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Joins path elements using the systems path separator.
Config - Class in be.panako.util
Writes and read the configuration values to and from a properties file.
Config() - Constructor for class be.panako.util.Config
Hidden default constructor.
Configuration - Class in be.panako.cli
Configuration() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Configuration
convert(double, PitchUnit) - Method in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
Convert the given pitch in the given unit to this unit.
convert(double, TimeUnit) - Method in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
Convert the given time duration in the given unit to this unit.
copyFileFromJar(String, String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Copy a file from a jar.
cp(String, String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Copy from source to target.
createLock(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
currentApplication - Static variable in class be.panako.cli.Panako


d(int, int) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Hamming
d(long, long) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Hamming
Returns Hamming distance between the two long integers.
d(BitSet, BitSet) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Hamming
dataFromLine(String) - Method in class
dataFromLine(String) - Method in class
DAYS - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
decode(long) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Morton2D
Decode Morton (z-ordering)
DECODER - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
Enabling the ffmpeg pipe allows support for almost all audio formats in the known universe.
DECODER_PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
The buffer used to cache the results from the pipe.
DECODER_PIPE_COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
The command that streams PCM audio to a pipe
DECODER_PIPE_ENVIRONMENT - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
The pipe command environment
DECODER_PIPE_ENVIRONMENT_ARG - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
The pipe command argument
DECODER_PIPE_LOG_FILE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
The log file for the pipe decoder.
DEFAULT_MICROPHONE - Static variable in class be.panako.cli.Panako
A static string describing the default microphone.
delete(String, String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
delete(String, String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
Delete - Class in be.panako.cli
Store audio fingerptings in the storage.
Delete() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Delete
deleteMetadata(long) - Method in class
deleteMetadata(long) - Method in class
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Application
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Clear
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Configuration
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Delete
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Load
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Monitor
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Play
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Print
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Query
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Resolve
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Same
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Stats
description() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Store
duration - Variable in class
duration - Variable in class


emptyQueryResult(String, double, double) - Static method in class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult
encode(int, int) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Morton2D
Morton (z-ordering) encoding with Lookup Table method
entries(boolean) - Method in class
entries(boolean) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
equals(Object) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
exists(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Checks if a file exists.
expandHomeDir(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
extension(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Return the extension of a file.


f - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafEventPoint
The frequency expressed using the bin number in the FFT-transform.
f - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoEventPoint
The frequency expressed using the bin number in the constant Q transform.
f - Variable in class
f1 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
f1 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
f2 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
f2 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
f3 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
f3 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
FileUtils - Class in be.panako.util
An utility class for file interaction.
FileUtils.RowFilter - Interface in be.panako.util
filter(float[]) - Method in class be.panako.util.LemireMinMaxFilter
Run the filter.
find(String) - Method in class be.panako.util.Trie
formattedToString() - Method in class be.panako.util.StopWatch
formattedToString(double) - Static method in class be.panako.util.StopWatch
frequencyFactor - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult


get(Key) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Config
getBoolean(Key) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Config
getCurrentApplication() - Static method in class be.panako.cli.Panako
getDefaultValue() - Method in enum class be.panako.util.Key
getEventPoints() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafEventPointProcessor
getEventPoints() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoEventPointProcessor
getFilesFromArguments(String[]) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Application
Returns a list of exiting (checked) files in the argument list.
getFingerprints() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafEventPointProcessor
getFingerprints() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoEventPointProcessor
getFloat(Key) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Config
getHumanName() - Method in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
getIdentifier(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Returns an identifier for a resource.
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class be.panako.strategy.Strategy
getInstance() - Static method in class be.panako.util.Config
getInt(Key) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Config
getIntegerOption(String, int, String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Application
getLockFileName(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
getMagnitudes() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafEventPointProcessor
getMagnitudes() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoEventPointProcessor
getMaxVal() - Method in class be.panako.util.LemireMinMaxFilter
getMetadata(long) - Method in interface
getMetadata(long) - Method in class
getMetadata(long) - Method in class
getMetadata(long) - Method in class
getMetadata(long) - Method in interface
getMetadata(long) - Method in class
getMetadata(long) - Method in class
getMetadata(long) - Method in class
getMinVal() - Method in class be.panako.util.LemireMinMaxFilter
getOption(String, String, String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Application
Return the value of an option.
getPreference(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Config
Use preferences to store configuration that changes during runtime and need to be persisted.
glob(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Return a list of files in directory that satisfy pattern.


Hamming - Class in be.panako.util
Hamming() - Constructor for class be.panako.util.Hamming
handleEmptyResult(QueryResult) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Monitor
handleEmptyResult(QueryResult) - Method in interface be.panako.strategy.QueryResultHandler
handleQueryResult(QueryResult) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Monitor
handleQueryResult(QueryResult) - Method in interface be.panako.strategy.QueryResultHandler
Handle the result of a query.
hasArgument(String, String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Application
Checks if an argument is present in a list of arguments.
hash() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
hash() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
hashCode() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
hashCode() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
hasResource(String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
hasResource(String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
hasResource(String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.pch.PitchClassHistogramStrategy
hasResource(String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.Strategy
Are there fingerprints for this resource already stored in the database?
HERTZ - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
Oscillations per second.
hertzToAbsoluteCent(double) - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
The reference frequency is configured.
hertzToMidiCent(double) - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
Converts a frequency in Hz to a MIDI CENT value using (12 ^ log2 (f / 440)) + 69
69.168 MIDI CENTS = MIDI NOTE 69 + 16,8 cents
69.168 MIDI CENTS = 440Hz + x Hz
hertzToMidiKey(Double) - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
A MIDI key is an integer between 0 and 127, inclusive.
hertzToRelativeCent(double) - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
Converts a Hertz value to relative cents.
HOURS - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit


identifier - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafMatch
The match audio identifier
identifier - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoMatch
The match audio identifier
insert(String) - Method in class be.panako.util.Trie
isDirectory(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Tests whether the file denoted by this abstract pathname is a directory.
isFileLocked(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
isStorageAvailable() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
isStorageAvailable() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
isStorageAvailable() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.pch.PitchClassHistogramStrategy
isStorageAvailable() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.Strategy


Key - Enum Class in be.panako.util
Defines which values can be configured and their respective default values.


latency() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoEventPointProcessor
LemireMinMaxFilter - Class in be.panako.util
Implementation of a min-max filter algorithm described in "Streaming Maximum-Minimum Filter Using No More than 3 Comparisons per Element".
LemireMinMaxFilter(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class be.panako.util.LemireMinMaxFilter
Create a new min-max filter.
load() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
Load - Class in be.panako.cli
Load() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Load


m - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafEventPoint
The magnitude from the FFT-transform.
m - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoEventPoint
The energy value of the element.
m1 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
m1 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
m2 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
m2 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
m3 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
m3 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
main(String[]) - Static method in class be.panako.cli.Panako
Starts the Panako application.
main(String...) - Static method in class be.panako.util.LemireMinMaxFilter
matchedNearHash - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafMatch
matchedNearHash - Variable in class
matchedNearHash - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoMatch
matchedNearHash - Variable in class
matchF1 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoMatch
Frequency bin in the original, matched audio.
matchTime - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafMatch
Time in blocks in the original, matched audio.
matchTime - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoMatch
Time in blocks in the original, matched audio.
MAX_FILE_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
The maximum file size (in MB) of files that are stored.
maxFilter(float[], float[]) - Method in class be.panako.util.LemireMinMaxFilter
Run only a max filter.
MICROSECONDS - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
MIDI_CENT - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
An double from 0 to 127 that represents the closest MIDI key.
MIDI_KEY - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
An integer from 0 to 127 that represents the closest MIDI key.
midiCentToHertz(double) - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
Converts a MIDI CENT frequency to a frequency in Hz.
midiKeyToHertz(int) - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
Calculates the frequency (Hz) for a MIDI key.
MILLISECONDS - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
MINUTES - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
mkdirs(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Creates a directory and parent directories if needed.
monitor(String, int, Set<Integer>, QueryResultHandler) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
monitor(String, int, Set<Integer>, QueryResultHandler) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
monitor(String, int, Set<Integer>, QueryResultHandler) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.pch.PitchClassHistogramStrategy
monitor(String, int, Set<Integer>, QueryResultHandler) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.Strategy
Monitor - Class in be.panako.cli
Monitor() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Monitor
MONITOR_OVERLAP - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
The overlap, also in seconds.
MONITOR_STEP_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
The step size while monitoring a long audio fragment, in seconds.
Morton2D - Class in be.panako.util
Encode/decode 2D coordinates to Morton codes (Z-order curve)
Morton2D() - Constructor for class be.panako.util.Morton2D


name() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Application
The name of the application is the class lower case class name.
name() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
name() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
name() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.pch.PitchClassHistogramStrategy
NANOSECONDS - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
nanoTicksPassed() - Method in class be.panako.util.StopWatch
needsStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Application
needsStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Clear
needsStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Configuration
needsStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Delete
needsStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Load
needsStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Monitor
needsStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Play
needsStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Print
needsStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Query
needsStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Resolve
needsStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Same
needsStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Stats
needsStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Store
NUMBER_OF_QUERY_RESULTS - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
numFingerprints - Variable in class
numFingerprints - Variable in class


OLAF_CACHE_FOLDER - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
File cache directory for bulk import
OLAF_CACHE_TO_FILE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_FP_MAX_FREQ_DIST - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_FP_MAX_TIME_DIST - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_FP_MIN_FREQ_DIST - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_FP_MIN_TIME_DIST - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_FREQ_MAX_FILTER_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_LMDB_FOLDER - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
The folder to store the LMDB database
OLAF_MAX_TIME_FACTOR - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_MIN_HITS_FILTERED - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_MIN_HITS_UNFILTERED - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_MIN_MATCH_DURATION - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_MIN_SEC_WITH_MATCH - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_MIN_TIME_FACTOR - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_QUERY_RANGE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_SAMPLE_RATE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_STEP_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_STORAGE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
The storage to use: MEM|LMDB Stands for Memory, files on disk or the LMDB key-value store
OLAF_TIME_MAX_FILTER_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OLAF_USE_CACHED_PRINTS - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
OlafEventPoint - Class in be.panako.strategy.olaf
An event point is a key point is a spectral representation of a signal.
OlafEventPoint(int, int, float) - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafEventPoint
Create a new event point with a time, frequency and energy and contrast..
OlafEventPointProcessor - Class in be.panako.strategy.olaf
OlafEventPointProcessor(int) - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafEventPointProcessor
OlafFingerprint - Class in be.panako.strategy.olaf
A fingerprint connects three event points in a spectrogram.
OlafFingerprint(int, int, float, int, int, float, int, int, float) - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
OlafFingerprint(long, int) - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
OlafFingerprint(OlafEventPoint, OlafEventPoint, OlafEventPoint) - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
OlafHit - Class in
OlafHit(long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class
OlafMatch - Class in be.panako.strategy.olaf
OlafMatch() - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafMatch
OlafResourceMetadata - Class in
OlafResourceMetadata() - Constructor for class
OlafStorage - Interface in
OlafStorageFile - Class in
OlafStorageFile() - Constructor for class
OlafStorageKV - Class in
OlafStorageKV() - Constructor for class
OlafStorageMemory - Class in
OlafStorageMemory() - Constructor for class
OlafStrategy - Class in be.panako.strategy.olaf
OlafStrategy() - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
originalHash - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafMatch
originalHash - Variable in class
originalHash - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoMatch
originalHash - Variable in class


Panako - Class in be.panako.cli
The main starting point for the application.
Panako() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Panako
PANAKO_AUDIO_BLOCK_OVERLAP - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_AUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_CACHE_FOLDER - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_CACHE_TO_FILE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_FP_MAX_FREQ_DIST - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_FP_MAX_TIME_DIST - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_FP_MIN_FREQ_DIST - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_FP_MIN_TIME_DIST - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_FREQ_MAX_FILTER_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_LMDB_FOLDER - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_MAX_FREQ_FACTOR - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_MAX_TIME_FACTOR - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_MIN_FREQ_FACTOR - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_MIN_HITS_FILTERED - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_MIN_HITS_UNFILTERED - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_MIN_MATCH_DURATION - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_MIN_SEC_WITH_MATCH - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_MIN_TIME_FACTOR - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_QUERY_RANGE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_SAMPLE_RATE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_STORAGE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
The storage to use: MEM|LMDB Stands for Memory, files on disk or the LMDB key-value store
PANAKO_TIME_MAX_FILTER_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_TRANSF_BANDS_PER_OCTAVE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_TRANSF_MAX_FREQ - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_TRANSF_MIN_FREQ - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_TRANSF_REF_FREQ - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_TRANSF_TIME_RESOLUTION - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PANAKO_USE_CACHED_PRINTS - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PanakoEventPoint - Class in be.panako.strategy.panako
PanakoEventPoint(int, int, float) - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoEventPoint
Create a new event point with a time, frequency and energy and contrast..
PanakoEventPointProcessor - Class in be.panako.strategy.panako
PanakoEventPointProcessor(int) - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoEventPointProcessor
PanakoFingerprint - Class in be.panako.strategy.panako
A fingerprint connects three event points in a spectrogram.
PanakoFingerprint(int, int, float, int, int, float, int, int, float) - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
PanakoFingerprint(long, int, int) - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
PanakoFingerprint(PanakoEventPoint, PanakoEventPoint, PanakoEventPoint) - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
PanakoHit - Class in
PanakoHit(long, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class
PanakoMatch - Class in be.panako.strategy.panako
PanakoMatch() - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoMatch
PanakoResourceMetadata - Class in
PanakoResourceMetadata() - Constructor for class
PanakoStorage - Interface in
PanakoStorageFile - Class in
PanakoStorageFile() - Constructor for class
PanakoStorageKV - Class in
PanakoStorageKV() - Constructor for class
PanakoStorageMemory - Class in
PanakoStorageMemory() - Constructor for class
PanakoStrategy - Class in be.panako.strategy.panako
PanakoStrategy() - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
path - Variable in class
path - Variable in class
path(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Returns the path for a file.
path("/home/user/random.jpg") == "/home/user"
Uses the correct pathSeparator depending on the operating system.
PCH_FILES - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PCH_OVERLAP - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PCH_SAMPLE_RATE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
PCH_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
percentOfSecondsWithMatches - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult
PitchClassHistogramStrategy - Class in be.panako.strategy.pch
Implementation of the strategy described in (2012) A Robust Audio Fingerprinter Based on Pitch Class Histograms: Applications for Ethnic Music Archives, by Joren Six and Olmo Cornelis in Proceedings of the International Workshop of Folk Music Analysis (FMA 2012)
PitchClassHistogramStrategy() - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.pch.PitchClassHistogramStrategy
PitchUnit - Enum Class in be.panako.util
Defines the unit of the pitch value.
Play - Class in be.panako.cli
Play() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Play
print(String, boolean) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
print(String, boolean) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
print(String, boolean) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.Strategy
Print - Class in be.panako.cli
Query the storage for audio fragments.
Print() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Print
printHelp() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Application
printQueryResult(QueryResult) - Static method in class be.panako.cli.Panako
printQueryResult(QueryResult, int, int) - Static method in class be.panako.cli.Panako
printQueryResultHeader() - Static method in class be.panako.cli.Panako
printsPerSecond() - Method in class
printsPerSecond() - Method in class
printStorageStatistics() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
printStorageStatistics() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
printStorageStatistics() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.pch.PitchClassHistogramStrategy
printStorageStatistics() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.Strategy
Print some storage statistics.
process(AudioEvent) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafEventPointProcessor
process(AudioEvent) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoEventPointProcessor
processDeleteQueue() - Method in class
processDeleteQueue() - Method in class
processingFinished() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafEventPointProcessor
processingFinished() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoEventPointProcessor
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<OlafHit>>, int) - Method in interface
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<OlafHit>>, int) - Method in class
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<OlafHit>>, int) - Method in class
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<OlafHit>>, int) - Method in class
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<OlafHit>>, int, Set<Integer>) - Method in interface
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<OlafHit>>, int, Set<Integer>) - Method in class
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<OlafHit>>, int, Set<Integer>) - Method in class
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<OlafHit>>, int, Set<Integer>) - Method in class
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<PanakoHit>>, int) - Method in interface
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<PanakoHit>>, int) - Method in class
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<PanakoHit>>, int) - Method in class
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<PanakoHit>>, int) - Method in class
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<PanakoHit>>, int, Set<Integer>) - Method in interface
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<PanakoHit>>, int, Set<Integer>) - Method in class
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<PanakoHit>>, int, Set<Integer>) - Method in class
processQueryQueue(Map<Long, List<PanakoHit>>, int, Set<Integer>) - Method in class
processStoreQueue() - Method in interface
processStoreQueue() - Method in class
processStoreQueue() - Method in class
processStoreQueue() - Method in class
processStoreQueue() - Method in interface
processStoreQueue() - Method in class
processStoreQueue() - Method in class
processStoreQueue() - Method in class


query(String, int, Set<Integer>, QueryResultHandler) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
query(String, int, Set<Integer>, QueryResultHandler) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
query(String, int, Set<Integer>, QueryResultHandler) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.pch.PitchClassHistogramStrategy
query(String, int, Set<Integer>, QueryResultHandler) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.Strategy
query(String, int, Set<Integer>, QueryResultHandler, double, double) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
query(String, int, Set<Integer>, QueryResultHandler, double, double) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
Query - Class in be.panako.cli
Query the storage for audio fragments.
Query() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Query
queryF1 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoMatch
Frequency bin the query.
queryPath - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult
QueryResult - Class in be.panako.strategy
QueryResult(String, double, double, String, String, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult
QueryResult(String, double, double, String, String, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult
QueryResult(String, double, double, String, String, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult
QueryResultHandler - Interface in be.panako.strategy
queryStart - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult
queryStop - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult
queryTime - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafMatch
Time in blocks in the query.
queryTime - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoMatch
Time in blocks in the query.


ratioToCent(double) - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
Converts a ratio to cents.
readColumnFromCSVData(List<String[]>, int, FileUtils.RowFilter) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
readFile(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Reads the contents of a file.
readFileFromJar(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Reads the contents of a file in a jar.
readPreference(String) - Method in class be.panako.util.Config
refIdentifier - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult
refPath - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult
refStart - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult
refStop - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult
RELATIVE_CENTS - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
Number of cents (between 0 and 1200) relative to the start of the octave.
relativeCentToHertz(double) - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
Converts a relative cent value to an absolute Hertz value by using PitchUnit.REF_FREQ.
reset() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafEventPointProcessor
reset() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoEventPointProcessor
resolve(String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
resolve(String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
resolve(String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.pch.PitchClassHistogramStrategy
resolve(String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.Strategy
Returns an internal identifier, probably an integer, for a given filename.
Resolve - Class in be.panako.cli
Resolve() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Resolve
resourceID - Variable in class
resourceID - Variable in class
rm(String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Removes a file from disk.
robustHash() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
Calculate a hash representing this fingerprint.
run(String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Application
run(String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Clear
run(String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Configuration
run(String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Delete
run(String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Load
run(String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Monitor
run(String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Play
run(String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Print
run(String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Query
run(String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Resolve
run(String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Same
run(String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Stats
run(String...) - Method in class be.panako.cli.Store
runtimeDirectory() - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils


Same - Class in be.panako.cli
Same() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Same
score - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult
SECONDS - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
set(Key, String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Config
Sets a configuration value to use during the runtime of the application.
setPreference(String, String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.Config
Use preferences to store configuration that changes during runtime and need to be persisted.
start() - Method in class be.panako.util.StopWatch
Starts or restarts the watch.
Stats - Class in be.panako.cli
Shows some statistics about the storage.
Stats() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Stats
StopWatch - Class in be.panako.util
StopWatch counts the ticks (ns) passed between initialization and invocation of ticksPassed.
StopWatch() - Constructor for class be.panako.util.StopWatch
Create and start the stop watch.
store(String, String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
store(String, String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
store(String, String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.pch.PitchClassHistogramStrategy
store(String, String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.Strategy
Store an audio file in the data store.
Store - Class in be.panako.cli
Store audio fingerptings in the storage.
Store() - Constructor for class be.panako.cli.Store
storeMetadata(long, String, float, int) - Method in interface
storeMetadata(long, String, float, int) - Method in class
storeMetadata(long, String, float, int) - Method in class
storeMetadata(long, String, float, int) - Method in class
storeMetadata(long, String, float, int) - Method in interface
storeMetadata(long, String, float, int) - Method in class
storeMetadata(long, String, float, int) - Method in class
storeMetadata(long, String, float, int) - Method in class
storeQueueToString() - Method in class
storeQueueToString() - Method in class
storeQueueToString(List<long[]>) - Method in class
storeQueueToString(List<long[]>) - Method in class
Strategy - Class in be.panako.strategy
Strategy() - Constructor for class be.panako.strategy.Strategy
STRATEGY - Enum constant in enum class be.panako.util.Key
The strategy (algorithm) to use, OLAF|PANAKO|PCH.
synopsis() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Application
The synopsis is a short description of the required or optional arguments.
synopsis() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Clear
synopsis() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Configuration
synopsis() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Delete
synopsis() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Load
synopsis() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Monitor
synopsis() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Play
synopsis() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Print
synopsis() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Query
synopsis() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Resolve
synopsis() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Same
synopsis() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Stats
synopsis() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Store


t - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafEventPoint
The time expressed using an analysis frame index.
t - Variable in class
t - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoEventPoint
The time expressed using an analysis frame index.
t - Variable in class
t1 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
t1 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
t2 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
t2 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
t3 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
t3 - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
temporaryDirectory() - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
terminal - Variable in class be.panako.util.Trie
ticksPassed() - Method in class be.panako.util.StopWatch
timeFactor - Variable in class be.panako.strategy.QueryResult
timePassed(TimeUnit) - Method in class be.panako.util.StopWatch
Calculates and returns the time passed in the requested unit.
TimeUnit - Enum Class in be.panako.util
A TimeUnit represents time durations at a given unit of granularity and provides utility methods to convert across units, and to perform timing and delay operations in these units.
toDays(double) - Method in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
Equivalent to DAYS.convert(duration, this).
toFingerprints(String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
toFingerprints(String) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
toFingerprints(String, double, double) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafStrategy
toFingerprints(String, double, double) - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoStrategy
toHours(double) - Method in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
Equivalent to HOURS.convert(duration, this).
toMicros(double) - Method in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
Equivalent to MICROSECONDS.convert(duration, this).
toMillis(double) - Method in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
Equivalent to MILLISECONDS.convert(duration, this).
toMinutes(double) - Method in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
Equivalent to MINUTES.convert(duration, this).
toNanos(double) - Method in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
Equivalent to NANOSECONDS.convert(duration, this).
toSeconds(double) - Method in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
Equivalent to SECONDS.convert(duration, this).
toString() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafFingerprint
toString() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafMatch
toString() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoFingerprint
toString() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoMatch
toString() - Method in class be.panako.util.StopWatch
toTime(String, int) - Static method in class be.panako.util.StopWatch
Returns a 24h time string based on an input resource.
Trie - Class in be.panako.util
A trie that can be used for auto completion
Trie() - Constructor for class be.panako.util.Trie


value - Variable in class be.panako.util.Trie
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.Key
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.Key
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.PitchUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class be.panako.util.TimeUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


writeFile(String, String) - Static method in class be.panako.util.FileUtils
Writes a file to disk.
writePreference(String, String) - Method in class be.panako.util.Config
writesToStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Application
writesToStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Clear
writesToStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Configuration
writesToStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Delete
writesToStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Load
writesToStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Monitor
writesToStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Play
writesToStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Print
writesToStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Query
writesToStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Resolve
writesToStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Same
writesToStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Stats
writesToStorage() - Method in class be.panako.cli.Store


Δt() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.olaf.OlafMatch
Δt() - Method in class be.panako.strategy.panako.PanakoMatch
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V W Δ 
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