Interface PitchDetector

All Known Implementing Classes:
DynamicWavelet, McLeodPitchMethod, Yin

public interface PitchDetector

A pitch detector is capable of analyzing a buffer with audio information and return a pitch estimation in Hz.

Joren Six

Method Summary
 float getPitch(float[] audioBuffer)
          Analyzes a buffer with audio information and estimates a pitch in Hz.
 float getProbability()
          Some algorithms can calculate a probability (noisiness, (a)periodicity, salience, voicedness or clarity measure) for the detected pitch.

Method Detail


float getPitch(float[] audioBuffer)
Analyzes a buffer with audio information and estimates a pitch in Hz. Currently this interface only allows one pitch per buffer.

audioBuffer - The buffer with audio information. The information in the buffer is not modified so it can be (re)used for e.g. FFT analysis.
An estimation of the pitch in Hz or -1 if no pitch is detected or present in the buffer.


float getProbability()
Some algorithms can calculate a probability (noisiness, (a)periodicity, salience, voicedness or clarity measure) for the detected pitch. This is somewhat similar to the term voiced which is used in speech recognition. This probability should be calculated together with the pitch but is returned using a call to this method. So if you want the probability of a buffer: first call getPitch(buffer) and then getProbability().

A probability