Interface PitchDetector

All Known Implementing Classes:
AMDF, DynamicWavelet, FastYin, McLeodPitchMethod, Yin

public interface PitchDetector

A pitch detector is capable of analyzing a buffer with audio information and return a pitch estimation in Hz.

Joren Six

Method Summary
 PitchDetectionResult getPitch(float[] audioBuffer)
          Analyzes a buffer with audio information and estimates a pitch in Hz.

Method Detail


PitchDetectionResult getPitch(float[] audioBuffer)
Analyzes a buffer with audio information and estimates a pitch in Hz. Currently this interface only allows one pitch per buffer.

audioBuffer - The buffer with audio information. The information in the buffer is not modified so it can be (re)used for e.g. FFT analysis.
An estimation of the pitch in Hz or -1 if no pitch is detected or present in the buffer.