All Classes and Interfaces

Application is the abstract base class of applications with a command line interface.
Writes and read the configuration values to and from a properties file.
Store audio fingerptings in the storage.
An utility class for file interaction.
Defines which values can be configured and their respective default values.
Implementation of a min-max filter algorithm described in "Streaming Maximum-Minimum Filter Using No More than 3 Comparisons per Element".
Encode/decode 2D coordinates to Morton codes (Z-order curve)
An event point is a key point is a spectral representation of a signal.
A fingerprint connects three event points in a spectrogram.
The main starting point for the application.
A fingerprint connects three event points in a spectrogram.
Implementation of the strategy described in (2012) A Robust Audio Fingerprinter Based on Pitch Class Histograms: Applications for Ethnic Music Archives, by Joren Six and Olmo Cornelis in Proceedings of the International Workshop of Folk Music Analysis (FMA 2012)
Defines the unit of the pitch value.
Query the storage for audio fragments.
Query the storage for audio fragments.
Shows some statistics about the storage.
StopWatch counts the ticks (ns) passed between initialization and invocation of ticksPassed.
Store audio fingerptings in the storage.
A TimeUnit represents time durations at a given unit of granularity and provides utility methods to convert across units, and to perform timing and delay operations in these units.
A trie that can be used for auto completion