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Encoding(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new encoding.
energyOversampleFactor - Static variable in class be.tarsos.dsp.onsets.BeatRootSpectralFluxOnsetDetector
Ratio between rate of sampling the signal energy (for the amplitude envelope) and the hop size
EnvelopeFollower - Class in be.tarsos.dsp
An envelope follower follows the envelope of a signal.
EnvelopeFollower(double) - Constructor for class be.tarsos.dsp.EnvelopeFollower
Create a new envelope follower, with a certain sample rate.
EnvelopeFollower(double, double, double) - Constructor for class be.tarsos.dsp.EnvelopeFollower
Create a new envelope follower, with a certain sample rate.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Finalizes the equals method
Event - Class in be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot
Event(double, double, double, int, int, double, double, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.Event
Event(double, double, double, int, int, double, double, int) - Constructor for class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.Event
EventList - Class in be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot
EventList() - Constructor for class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.EventList
EventList(EventList) - Constructor for class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.EventList
EventList(Event[]) - Constructor for class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.EventList
events - Variable in class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.Agent
The list of Events (onsets) accepted by this Agent as beats, plus interpolated beats.
exp() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.Complex
Complex exponential (doesn't change this Complex number).
expDecayWithHold(double, double, double[], int, int) - Static method in class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.Peaks
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