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IIRFilter - Class in be.tarsos.dsp.filters
An Infinite Impulse Response, or IIR, filter is a filter that uses a set of coefficients and previous filtered values to filter a stream of audio.
IIRFilter(float, float) - Constructor for class be.tarsos.dsp.filters.IIRFilter
Constructs an IIRFilter with the given cutoff frequency that will be used to filter audio recorded at sampleRate.
imag() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.Complex
Imaginary part of this Complex number (the y-coordinate in rectangular coordinates).
imax(double[]) - Static method in class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.Peaks
imin(double[]) - Static method in class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.Peaks
Induction - Class in be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot
Performs tempo induction by finding clusters of similar inter-onset intervals (IOIs), ranking them according to the number of intervals and relationships between them, and returning a set of tempo hypotheses for initialising the beat tracking agents.
Induction() - Constructor for class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.Induction
initialBeatInterval - Variable in class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.Agent
The initial tempo hypothesis of the Agent, expressed as the beat period in seconds.
initialise() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.ui.layers.BeatLayer
initialise() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.ui.layers.FFTLayer
initialise() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.ui.layers.PitchContourLayer
initialise() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.ui.layers.WaveFormLayer
initialise() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.ui.LinkedFrame
INNER_MARGIN - Static variable in class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.Agent
The default value of innerMargin, which is the maximum time (in seconds) that a beat can deviate from the predicted beat time without a fork occurring.
inputSamplesConsumed - Variable in class be.tarsos.dsp.resample.Resampler.Result
insert(Event, boolean) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.EventList
interpolate(double) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.CubicSplineFast
inverse() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.mfcc.DCT
inverseTrans(float[]) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.wavelet.lift.Daubechies4Wavelet
Default two step Lifting Scheme inverse wavelet transform
inverseTrans(float[]) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.wavelet.lift.HaarWithPolynomialInterpolationWavelet
HaarWavelet transform extened with polynomial interpolation inverse transform.
inverseTrans(float[]) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.wavelet.lift.LiftingSchemeBaseWavelet
Default two step Lifting Scheme inverse wavelet transform
inverseTrans(float[]) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.wavelet.lift.PolynomialWavelets
Polynomial wavelet lifting Scheme inverse transform.
inverseTransform(float[]) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.wavelet.HaarWaveletTransform
Does an in-place inverse HaarWavelet Wavelet Transform.
isBigEndian() - Method in class
Indicates whether the audio data is stored in big-endian or little-endian byte order.
isDTMFCharacter(char) - Static method in class be.tarsos.dsp.pitch.DTMF
Checks if the given character is present in DTMF_CHARACTERS.
isPitched() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.pitch.PitchDetectionResult
isPowerOf2(int) - Static method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.ConcurrencyUtils
Checks if x is a power-of-two number.
isPowerOfTwo(int) - Static method in class be.tarsos.dsp.wavelet.HaarWaveletTransform
Checks if the number is a power of two.
isSilence(double) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.AudioEvent
isSilence(float[], double) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.SilenceDetector
Checks if the dBSPL level in the buffer falls below a certain threshold.
isSilence(float[]) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.SilenceDetector
isStopped() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.AudioDispatcher
isWrapping() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.ui.CoordinateSystem
iterator() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.EventList
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