- rangeThreshold - Static variable in class be.tarsos.dsp.onsets.BeatRootSpectralFluxOnsetDetector
For dynamic range compression, this value is added to the log magnitude
in each frequency bin and any remaining negative values are then set to zero.
- RateTransposer - Class in be.tarsos.dsp.resample
Sample rate transposer.
- RateTransposer(double) - Constructor for class be.tarsos.dsp.resample.RateTransposer
Create a new sample rate transposer.
- ratioToCent(double) - Static method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.PitchConverter
Converts a ratio to cents.
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.io.jvm.JVMAudioInputStream
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface be.tarsos.dsp.io.TarsosDSPAudioInputStream
Reads up to a specified maximum number of bytes of data from the audio
stream, putting them into the given byte array.
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.io.UniversalAudioInputStream
- read(InputStream) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.writer.WaveHeader
Read and initialize a WaveHeader.
- readBinary(String) - Static method in class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.EventList
- readTextFromUrl(URL) - Static method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.AudioResourceUtils
Return the text of the file with the given URL.
- real() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.Complex
Real part of this Complex number
(the x-coordinate in rectangular coordinates).
- realForward(float[]) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.fft.FloatFFT
Computes 1D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForward(float[], int) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.fft.FloatFFT
Computes 1D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForwardFull(float[]) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.fft.FloatFFT
Computes 1D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realForwardFull(float[], int) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.fft.FloatFFT
Computes 1D forward DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse(float[], boolean) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.fft.FloatFFT
Computes 1D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverse(float[], int, boolean) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.fft.FloatFFT
Computes 1D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverseFull(float[], boolean) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.fft.FloatFFT
Computes 1D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- realInverseFull(float[], int, boolean) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.fft.FloatFFT
Computes 1D inverse DFT of real data leaving the result in a
- RectangularWindow - Class in be.tarsos.dsp.util.fft
A Rectangular window function A Rectangular window is equivalent to using no
window at all.
- RectangularWindow() - Constructor for class be.tarsos.dsp.util.fft.RectangularWindow
Constructs a Rectangular window.
- remove(AgentList) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.beatroot.AgentList
Removes the current item from the list.
- removeAllEntries() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.ui.layers.LegendLayer
- removeAudioProcessor(AudioProcessor) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.AudioDispatcher
Removes an AudioProcessor to the chain of processors and calls its processingFinished
- removeAudioProcessor(AudioProcessor) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.AudioGenerator
Removes an AudioProcessor to the chain of processors and calls processingFinished.
- removeLayer(Layer) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.ui.LinkedPanel
- removeLayers() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.ui.LinkedPanel
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.ui.layers.MouseCursorLayer
- Resampler - Class in be.tarsos.dsp.resample
- Resampler(Resampler) - Constructor for class be.tarsos.dsp.resample.Resampler
Clone an existing resampling session.
- Resampler(boolean, double, double) - Constructor for class be.tarsos.dsp.resample.Resampler
Create a new resampling session.
- Resampler.Result - Class in be.tarsos.dsp.resample
- resetData(double[], double[]) - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.CubicSplineFast
- resetThreadsBeginN() - Static method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.ConcurrencyUtils
Resets the minimal size of 2D and 3D data for which threads are used.
- resetThreadsBeginN_FFT() - Static method in class be.tarsos.dsp.util.ConcurrencyUtils
Resets the minimal size of 1D data for which two and four threads are
- resetTime() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.AudioGenerator
- resetZoom() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.ui.ViewPort
- Result(int, int) - Constructor for class be.tarsos.dsp.resample.Resampler.Result
- run() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.AudioDispatcher
- run() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.AudioGenerator
- run() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.ui.layers.ConstantQLayer
- run() - Method in class be.tarsos.dsp.ui.layers.Scalogram