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Publication type: Journal Articles
Abstract: A highly experienced versatile female professional singer displaying no apparent vocal complaint, developed inhaling singing, an innovative approach to reverse phonation. Although there are some reports in literature that describe the characteristics of ingressive phonation and sounds, to the best of our knowledge, no reports on actual inhaling singing are available in literature. This paper reports a case study on the acoustical analysis of inhaling singing, comparing this innovative technique with traditional exhaling singing. As this is rather undiscovered territory, we have decided to address several questions: is it possible to match the same pitches using inhaling singing compared to exhaling singing? Is the harmonic structure and energy distribution similar? Is it possible to maintain the same phonation duration in both techniques? Are there differences in volume and tessitura (vocal range)? This paper, reporting on the experience of one individual, demonstrates that a tessitura can be mastered in inhaling singing. Spectral analysis reveals a similar frequency distribution in both conditions. However, in inhaling singing the energy of the harmonics is significantly lower for the first 3 overtones, while the maximum phonation time is larger, than in exhaling singing. The singer reports that less effort is required for inhaling singing in the high register. As such, inhaling singing offers new possibilities for vocal performance.
Cite this article:@article{VANHECKE20179, title = "Acoustical properties in inhaling singing: A case-study", journal = "Physics in Medicine", volume = "3", pages = "9 - 15", year = "2017", issn = "2352-4510", doi = "", url = "", author = "Françoise Vanhecke and Mieke Moerman and Frank Desmet and Joren Six and Kristin Daemers and Godfried-Willem Raes and Marc Leman", keywords = "Inhaling singing, Spectrography, Videostroboscopy" }