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Publication type: Articles in peer reviewed conference proceedings
Abstract: Running retraining through biofeedback on a measure of impact loading combined with simple instruction can decrease running related injuries. Running retraining through real-time biofeedback on a direct measure of impact loading has been exclusively executed on treadmill. For example, Peak Tibial Acceleration (PTA) was reduced by provision of simple auditory biofeedback within a single, treadmill-based retraining session. Ecological validity could be improved by conducting retraining programs in an over-ground environment outside the laboratory and with a motivational bio-feedback approach. In this ‘proof of concept’ study, retraining by means of real-time auditory biofeedback happened overground on an indoor running track in runners with elevated PTA. Impact loading was expected to be reduced within a single session.
Cite this article:@inproceedings{vandenberghe2018ptabiofeedback, author = {Van den Berghe, Pieter and Lorenzoni, Valerio and Gerlo, Joeri and Breine, Bastiaan and Derie, Rud and Six, Joren and Leman, Marc and De Clercq, Dirk}, booktitle = {Proceedings on the 42nd American of Biomechanics Congress}, keyword = {biomechanics,running,impact,music,sonification}, language = {eng}, location = {Rochester}, pages = {1}, publisher = {American Society of Biomechanics}, title = {Real-time music-based biofeedback to reduce impact loading during over-ground running }, year = {2018} }