~ Containerized development - Dockerized Python database development
» By Joren on Monday 22 January 2024
Fig: Containerized development.
At the Ghent Center for Digital Humanities (GhentCDH) we offer IT-services mainly for researchers in the Humanities at Ghent University. The services range from internal collaborative research tools to publicly facing science communication platforms. Technically, it is a mix of off the shelve software with or without modifications and custom solutions using several technical stacks. It is a challenge to keep these services running, secure and up-to-date for years with a limited budget.
In an attempt to make maintenance of these services more manageable we are in the process of containerizing our software. Running software in containers has advantages. One of the advantages is a guaranteed consistency across environments. Also, isolated software containers can be beneficial for security and stability. It also allows one to run different versions of a stack on the same server without running into compatibility problems.
Next to running software in containers, development in containers also has advantages. It allows you to switch projects easily without needing to install dependencies - e.g a specific database system version - directly on a development machine. The main advantage I see is that containerization promotes developer hygiene. Stereotypically, developers do not have the best hygiene and can use any available help. Containerization forces developers to think about separation of code and configuration, code and data and it forces to be explicit about dependencies and environmental assumptions.
The main disadvantage is that some configuration is needed to get the containers running and that there is a small performance penalty. The following might help with that first part.
Dockerized Python database development
To put the theory to the test my colleagues and I put together a GitHub repository with a dockerized Python development setup. It shows interaction between Python and a PostgreSQL database. The database system runs in a container and the development environment is also kept in a container. Both containers are started with docker compose
and configured via a .env
The stack uses a recent Python version, PDM to resolve Python dependencies and SQLAlchemy to interact with the PostgreSQL database. The VS code editor allows developers to run and debug software in a container. The video below shows the startup procedure and setting a breakpoint in some Python code.
Vid: Starting a database server and development container. Running and debugging Python code in a container.
Note that this is just an example setup, your setup might look quite different. You might need a different stack, use a different container environment (e.g. podman) or IDE but the principle of container based development could stay the same.
I have put off using containers for quite a while and I am quite a late convert, but now that I am doing more technical work in a small team I do see the advantages of an easy-to-set up, controlled, containerized development with explicitly defined dependencies. If you have no experience with containers yet, I would encourage you to at least try container based development out and see where it could help you!