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~ Tarsos CLI: Detect Pitch

Tarsos LogoTarsos contains a couple of useful command line applications. They can be used to execute common tasks on lots of files. Dowload Tarsos and call the applications using the following format:

java -jar tarsos.jar command [argument...] [--option [value]...]

The first part java -jar tarsos.jar tells the Java Runtime to start the correct application. The first argument for Tarsos defines the command line application to execute. Depending on the command, required arguments and options can follow.

java -jar tarsos.jar detect_pitch in.wav --detector TARSOS_YIN

To get a list of available commands, type java -jar tarsos.jar -h. If you want more information about a command type java -jar tarsos.jar command -h

Detect Pitch

Detects pitch for one or more input audio files using a pitch detector. If a directory is given it traverses the directory recursively. It writes CSV data to standard out with five columns. The first is the start of the analyzed window (seconds), the second the estimated pitch, the third the saillence of the pitch. The name of the algorithm follows and the last column shows the original filename.

java -jar tarsos.jar detect_pitch [option] input_file...

Option                                  Description                            
------                                  -----------                            
-?, -h, --help                          Show help                              
--detector <PitchDetectionMode>         The detector to use [VAMP_YIN |        
                                          VAMP_YIN_FFT |                       
                                          VAMP_FAST_HARMONIC_COMB |            
                                          VAMP_MAZURKA_PITCH | VAMP_SCHMITT |  
                                          VAMP_SPECTRAL_COMB |                 
                                          VAMP_CONSTANT_Q_200 |                
                                          VAMP_CONSTANT_Q_400 | IPEM_SIX |     
                                          IPEM_ONE | TARSOS_YIN |              
                                          TARSOS_FAST_YIN | TARSOS_MPM |       
                                          TARSOS_FAST_MPM | ] (default:        

The output of the command looks like this:
