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~ Echo or Delay Audio Effect in Java With TarsosDSP

The DSP library for Taros, aptly named TarsosDSP, now includes an implementation of an audio echo effect. An echo effect is very simple to implement digitally and can serve as a good example of a DSP operation.

Echo or delay effect in Java

The implementation of the effect can be seen below. As can be seen, to achieve an echo one simply needs to mix the current sample i with a delayed sample present in echoBuffer with a certain decay factor. The length of the buffer and the decay are the defining parameters for the sound of the echo. To fill the echo buffer the current sample is stored (line 4). Looping through the echo buffer is done by incrementing the position pointer and resetting it at the correct time (lines 6-9).

//output is the input added with the decayed echo                 
audioFloatBuffer[i] = audioFloatBuffer[i] + echoBuffer[position] * decay;
//store the sample in the buffer;
echoBuffer[position] = audioFloatBuffer[i];
//increment the echo buffer position
//loop in the echo buffer
if(position == echoBuffer.length) 
    position = 0;

To test the application, download and execute the Delay.jar file and start singing in a microphone.

The source code of the Java implementation can be found on the TarsosDSP github page.

~ Spectrogram in Java with TarsosDSP

This is post presents a better version of the spectrogram implementation. Now it is included as an example in TarsosDSP, a small java audio processing library. The application show a live spectrogram, calculated using an FFT and the detected fundamental frequency (in red).

Spectrogram and pitch detection in Java

To test the application, download and execute the Spectrogram.jar file and start singing in a microphone.

There is also a command line interface, the following command shows the spectrum for in.wav:

java -jar Spectrogram.jar in.wav

The source code of the Java implementation can be found on the TarsosDSP github page.

~ Démonstration de Tarsos

Nous avons creé une video pour expliquer des possibilités de Tarsos, et maintenant en français.

~ Audio Time Stretching - Implementation in Pure Java Using WSOLA

The DSP library for Taros, aptly named TarsosDSP, now includes an implementation of a time stretching algorithm. The goal of time stretching is to change the duration of a piece of audio without affecting the pitch. The algorithm implemented is described in An Overlap-add Technique Based On Waveform Similarity (WSOLA) for High Quality Time-Scale Modification of Speech.

Time Stretching (WSOLA) in Java

To test the application, download and execute the WSOLA jar file and load an audio file. For the moment only 44.1kHz mono wav is allowed. To get started you can try this piece of audio.

There is also a command line interface, the following command doubles the speed of in.wav:

java -jar TimeStretch.jar in.wav out.wav 2.0

 _______                       _____   _____ _____  
|__   __|                     |  __ \ / ____|  __ \ 
   | | __ _ _ __ ___  ___  ___| |  | | (___ | |__) |
   | |/ _` | '__/ __|/ _ \/ __| |  | |\___ \|  ___/ 
   | | (_| | |  \__ \ (_) \__ \ |__| |____) | |     
   |_|\__,_|_|  |___/\___/|___/_____/|_____/|_|     
	TarsosDSP Time stretch utility.
	java -jar TimeStretch.jar source.wav target.wav factor
	Change the play back speed of audio without changing the pitch.

		source.wav	A readable, mono wav file.
		target.wav	Target location for the time stretched file.
		factor		Time stretching factor: 2.0 means double the length, 0.5 half. 1.0 is no change.

The source code of the Java implementation of WSOLA can be found on the TarsosDSP github page.

~ Tarsos CLI: Detect Pitch

Tarsos LogoTarsos contains a couple of useful command line applications. They can be used to execute common tasks on lots of files. Dowload Tarsos and call the applications using the following format:

java -jar tarsos.jar command [argument...] [--option [value]...]

The first part java -jar tarsos.jar tells the Java Runtime to start the correct application. The first argument for Tarsos defines the command line application to execute. Depending on the command, required arguments and options can follow.

java -jar tarsos.jar detect_pitch in.wav --detector TARSOS_YIN

To get a list of available commands, type java -jar tarsos.jar -h. If you want more information about a command type java -jar tarsos.jar command -h

Detect Pitch

Detects pitch for one or more input audio files using a pitch detector. If a directory is given it traverses the directory recursively. It writes CSV data to standard out with five columns. The first is the start of the analyzed window (seconds), the second the estimated pitch, the third the saillence of the pitch. The name of the algorithm follows and the last column shows the original filename.

java -jar tarsos.jar detect_pitch [option] input_file...

Option                                  Description                            
------                                  -----------                            
-?, -h, --help                          Show help                              
--detector <PitchDetectionMode>         The detector to use [VAMP_YIN |        
                                          VAMP_YIN_FFT |                       
                                          VAMP_FAST_HARMONIC_COMB |            
                                          VAMP_MAZURKA_PITCH | VAMP_SCHMITT |  
                                          VAMP_SPECTRAL_COMB |                 
                                          VAMP_CONSTANT_Q_200 |                
                                          VAMP_CONSTANT_Q_400 | IPEM_SIX |     
                                          IPEM_ONE | TARSOS_YIN |              
                                          TARSOS_FAST_YIN | TARSOS_MPM |       
                                          TARSOS_FAST_MPM | ] (default:        

The output of the command looks like this:
