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~ Text To Speech Recognition

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Om Python wat te leren kennen heb ik een “Text To Speech Recognition” programma geschreven. Het roept SAPI 5.1 aan om een tekst voor te laten lezen door Microsoft Sam. Het voorgelezen stuk tekst wordt daarna meteen via microfoon opgenomen en Sam probeert het zelf, via Speech Recognition, te verstaan. Het resultaat van de speech recognition wordt dan gelezen door Sam enzovoort… Dit is een voorbeeld van Sam in dialoog met zichzelf:

I am sitting in a room different from the one you are in now. I am recording the sound of my speaking voice and I am going to play it back into the room again.

I’m sitting in a room different from the one U.N. NA I’m recording the sound of my speak English and I’m going to play it back into the room against

I’m sitting in a room different from the one you could in a LAN recording the sound of my speak English and I’m going to clamp back into the room against

I’m sitting in a room different from the one you put in a LAN recording the sound and I speak English and I’m going to clamp back into the room against

I’m sitting in a room different from the one you put in a LAN recording the sound and I speak a Mac into ghent

I’m sitting in a room different from the one you put in a LAN recording the sound and I speak a match into ghent

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