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~ Analytical Approaches To World Music - Microtonal Scale Exploration in Central Africa

At the 2012 AAWM conference we presented a way to explore tone scales in the music of Central Africa. Since the audience consisted of (ethno)musicologists, the main focus of the presentation was on the applicication part, the technical aspects were only briefly mentioned.

The extended abstract can be consulted: Towards the tangible: microtonal scale exploration in Central-African music

The conference program itself was very diverse and interesting.

~ TarsosDSP Release 1.2

Today a new version of the TarsosDSP library was released. TarsosDSP is a small library to do audio processing in Java. It features two new pitch detectors. An AMDF pitch detector, contributed by Eder Souza of Brazil and a faster implementation of YIN kindly provided by Matthias Mauch of Queen Mary University, London.

Pitch Detector in Java

Find your oven fresh baked binaries at the TarsosDSP Release Repository.

~ Guest Lecture at MIT - Ethnic Music Analysis: Challenges & Opportunities - Tarsos as a Case Study

Thursday the 3th of May I gave a guest lecture titled ‘Ethnic Music Analysis: Challenges & Opportunities’ it featured Tarsos as a Case Study. The goal was to identify the difficulties when dealing with ethnic music and to show a possible approach, the approach implemented by Tarsos.

The invitation to give the guest lecture came from Michael Cuthbert who is one of the driving forces behind music21. The audience was a small group of double majors in both musicology and computer science: the ideal profile to gather useful feedback.

~ TarsosDSP Release 1.0

After about a year of development and several revisions TarsosDSP has enough features and is stable enough to slap the 1.0 tag onto it. A ‘read me’, manual, API documentation, source and binaries can be found on the TarsosDSP release directory. The source is present in the
What follows below is the information that can be found in the read me file:

TarsosDSP is a collection of classes to do simple audio processing. It features an implementation of a percussion onset detector and two pitch detection algorithms: Yin and the Mcleod Pitch method. Also included is a Goertzel DTMF decoding algorithm and a time stretch algorithm (WSOLA).

Its aim is to provide a simple interface to some audio (signal) processing algorithms implemented in pure JAVA. Some TarsosDSP example applications are available.

The following example filters a band of frequencies of an input file testFile. It keeps the frequencies form startFrequency to stopFrequency.

AudioInputStream inputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(testFile);
AudioDispatcher dispatcher = new AudioDispatcher(inputStream,stepSize,overlap);
dispatcher.addAudioProcessor(new HighPass(startFrequency, sampleRate, overlap));
dispatcher.addAudioProcessor(new LowPassFS(stopFrequency, sampleRate, overlap));
dispatcher.addAudioProcessor(new FloatConverter(format));
dispatcher.addAudioProcessor(new WaveformWriter(format,stepSize, overlap, "filtered.wav"));

Quickly Getting Started with TarsosDSP

Head over to the TarsosDSP release repository and download the latest TarsosDSP library. To get up to speed quickly, check the TarsosDSP Example applications for inspiration and consult the API documentation. If you, for some reason, want to build from source, you need Apache Ant and git installed on your system. The following commands fetch the source and build the library and example jars:

git clone https://JorenSix@github.com/JorenSix/TarsosDSP.git
cd TarsosDSP/build
ant tarsos_dsp_library #Builds the core TarsosDSP library
ant build_examples #Builds all the TarsosDSP examples
ant javadoc #Creates the documentation in TarsosDSP/doc

When everything runs correctly you should be able to run all example applications and have the latest version of the TarsosDSP library for inclusion in your projects. Also the Javadoc documentation for the API should be available in TarsosDSP/doc. Drop me a line if you use TarsosDSP in your project. Always nice to hear how this software is used.

Source Code Organization and Examples of TarsosDSP

The source tree is divided in three directories:

~ Oscilloscope in TarsosDSP

The DSP library for Taros, aptly named TarsosDSP, now includes an implementation of an oscilloscope.

Oscilloscope in Java

The source code of the Java implementation can be found on the TarsosDSP github page. That is all.

~ Dan Ellis' Robust Landmark-Based Audio Fingerprinting - With Octave

This blog post documents how to get the Matlab implementation by Dan Ellis of Avery Wangs Industrial-Strength Audio Search Algorithm running with GNU Octave on Ubuntu (and similar Linux distributions).

The Dan Ellis implementation is nicely documented here: Robust Landmark-Based Audio Fingerprinting . To download, get info about and decode mp3’s some external binaries are needed:

#install octave if needed
sudo apt-get install octave3.2
#Install the required dependencies for the script
sudo apt-get install mp3info curl

#mpg123 is not present as a package, install from source:
wget http://www.mpg123.de/download/mpg123-1.13.5.tar.bz2
tar xvvf mpg123-1.13.5.tar.bz2
cd mpg123-1.13.5/
sudo make install

In mp3read.m the following code was changed (line 111 and 112):

mpg123 = 'mpg123'; % was fullfile(path,['mpg123.',ext]);
mp3info = 'mp3info'; % was fullfile(path,['mp3info.',ext]);

Then, the demo program runs flawlessly when executing octave -q demo_fingerprint.m.

Running the demo with the original code with GNU Octave, version 3.2.3 takes 152 seconds on a PC with a Q9650 @ 3GHz processor. A small tweak can make it run almost 8 times faster. When working with larger data sets (10k audio files) this makes a big difference. I do not know why but storing a hash in the large hash table was really slow (0.5s per hash, with 900 hashes per song…). Caching the hashes and adding them all at once makes it faster (at least in Octave, YMMV). The optimized version of record_hashes.m can be found attached. With this alteration the same demo ran in 20s. When caching the data locally the difference is 11.5s to 141s or 12 times faster. The code with all the changes can be found here: Robust Landmark-Based Audio Fingerprinting – optimized for Octave 3.2. Please note again that the implementation is done by Dan Ellis (2009) ( available on Robust Landmark-Based Audio Fingerprinting) and I did only some small tweaks.

~ Harmony and Variation in Music Information Retrieval

Logo Universiteit UtrechtThe 29th of February 2012 there was a symposium on Music Information Retreival in Utrecht. It was organized on the occasion of Bas de Haas’ PhD defense. The title of the study day was Harmony and variation in music information retrieval.

During the talk by Xavier Serra rasikas.org was mentioned a forum with discussions about Carnatic Music. Since I could find a couple of discussions about pitch use on that forum I plugged Tarsos there to see if I could gather some feedback.

~ Echo or Delay Audio Effect in Java With TarsosDSP

The DSP library for Taros, aptly named TarsosDSP, now includes an implementation of an audio echo effect. An echo effect is very simple to implement digitally and can serve as a good example of a DSP operation.

Echo or delay effect in Java

The implementation of the effect can be seen below. As can be seen, to achieve an echo one simply needs to mix the current sample i with a delayed sample present in echoBuffer with a certain decay factor. The length of the buffer and the decay are the defining parameters for the sound of the echo. To fill the echo buffer the current sample is stored (line 4). Looping through the echo buffer is done by incrementing the position pointer and resetting it at the correct time (lines 6-9).

//output is the input added with the decayed echo                 
audioFloatBuffer[i] = audioFloatBuffer[i] + echoBuffer[position] * decay;
//store the sample in the buffer;
echoBuffer[position] = audioFloatBuffer[i];
//increment the echo buffer position
//loop in the echo buffer
if(position == echoBuffer.length) 
    position = 0;

To test the application, download and execute the Delay.jar file and start singing in a microphone.

The source code of the Java implementation can be found on the TarsosDSP github page.

~ Spectrogram in Java with TarsosDSP

This is post presents a better version of the spectrogram implementation. Now it is included as an example in TarsosDSP, a small java audio processing library. The application show a live spectrogram, calculated using an FFT and the detected fundamental frequency (in red).

Spectrogram and pitch detection in Java

To test the application, download and execute the Spectrogram.jar file and start singing in a microphone.

There is also a command line interface, the following command shows the spectrum for in.wav:

java -jar Spectrogram.jar in.wav

The source code of the Java implementation can be found on the TarsosDSP github page.

~ Démonstration de Tarsos

Nous avons creé une video pour expliquer des possibilités de Tarsos, et maintenant en français.

Previous blog posts

06-02-2012 ~ Audio Time Stretching - Implementation in Pure Java Using WSOLA

03-02-2012 ~ Tarsos CLI: Detect Pitch

17-01-2012 ~ A Robust Audio Fingerprinter Based on Pitch Class Histograms - Applications for Ethnic Music Archives

21-12-2011 ~ Pitch, Pitch Interval, and Pitch Ratio Representation

15-12-2011 ~ TarsosDSP sample application: Utter Asterisk

12-12-2011 ~ TarsosDSP used in jAM - Java Automatic Music Transcription

12-12-2011 ~ Kinderuniversiteit - Muziek onder de microscoop!

07-12-2011 ~ How To: Generate an Audio Fingerprinting Data Set With Sox Audio Effects

06-12-2011 ~ The Power of the Pentatonic Scale

02-12-2011 ~ Software for Music Analysis