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~ Containerized development - Dockerized Python database development

Fig: Containerized development.

At the Ghent Center for Digital Humanities (GhentCDH) we offer IT-services mainly for researchers in the Humanities at Ghent University. The services range from internal collaborative research tools to publicly facing science communication platforms. Technically, it is a mix of off the shelve software with or without modifications and custom solutions using several technical stacks. It is a challenge to keep these services running, secure and up-to-date for years with a limited budget.

In an attempt to make maintenance of these services more manageable we are in the process of containerizing our software. Running software in containers has advantages. One of the advantages is a guaranteed consistency across environments. Also, isolated software containers can be beneficial for security and stability. It also allows one to run different versions of a stack on the same server without running into compatibility problems.

Next to running software in containers, development in containers also has advantages. It allows you to switch projects easily without needing to install dependencies - e.g a specific database system version - directly on a development machine. The main advantage I see is that containerization promotes developer hygiene. Stereotypically, developers do not have the best hygiene and can use any available help. Containerization forces developers to think about separation of code and configuration, code and data and it forces to be explicit about dependencies and environmental assumptions.

The main disadvantage is that some configuration is needed to get the containers running and that there is a small performance penalty. The following might help with that first part.

Dockerized Python database development

To put the theory to the test my colleagues and I put together a GitHub repository with a dockerized Python development setup. It shows interaction between Python and a PostgreSQL database. The database system runs in a container and the development environment is also kept in a container. Both containers are started with docker compose and configured via a .env file.

The stack uses a recent Python version, PDM to resolve Python dependencies and SQLAlchemy to interact with the PostgreSQL database. The VS code editor allows developers to run and debug software in a container. The video below shows the startup procedure and setting a breakpoint in some Python code.

Vid: Starting a database server and development container. Running and debugging Python code in a container.

Note that this is just an example setup, your setup might look quite different. You might need a different stack, use a different container environment (e.g. podman) or IDE but the principle of container based development could stay the same.

I have put off using containers for quite a while and I am quite a late convert, but now that I am doing more technical work in a small team I do see the advantages of an easy-to-set up, controlled, containerized development with explicitly defined dependencies. If you have no experience with containers yet, I would encourage you to at least try container based development out and see where it could help you!

~ OnTracx launch - a Ghent University sports-tech spin-off

Fig: OnTracx logo

A couple of months ago, OnTracx, a Ghent University sports-tech spin-off launched with the ‘dream of a world where every runner can stay injury-free’. That dream is based on a firmly grounded interdisciplinary research project, which I was fortunate to contributed to. The research project - headed by the UGent sports science department - developed a music-based bio-feedback system to reduce footfall shock while running with the aim to lower common running-related injury risk. I fondly remember soldering and programing the first cluncky prototypes, now already eight years ago!

In my role, I contributed to several key papers that form the foundation of OnTracx. Notably, the ‘validity and reliability’ paper, which has become the most cited work in my academic portfolio, which at least indicates academic interest. The main author of the paper is now doing a post-doc in Harvard, so he must have been doing something right! Additionally, I am also recognized as co-inventor on a patent related to the system.

Fig: schema of the low impact runner research system. Foot-fall impact is measured with wearable sensors and music-based feedback is given to the runner with the aim to avoid high impact.

The journey from research to commercial realization is always thrilling. As OnTracx steps into the market, I am filled with hope and anticipation for its success, mirroring and potentially exceeding the fruitful research track.

For more, read the spin-off story of OnTracx, the solution for lower impact running or join the beta program on the OnTracx website and help with ‘dream of a world where every runner can stay injury-free’.

~ Printing a part of the world - a 3D-printed cityscape

Fig: 3D printing your part of the world.

My ex-girlfriend and current wife likes maps. While looking for a gift for the new-years I got the idea to give her a 3D map of the nearby historic city center of Ghent with its three iconic towers. I have a 3D printer at home but still need to find a printable 3D model of Ghent.

Luckily, a couple of days ago a piece of software appeared to capture Google Earth tiles -cubes- into a single 3D file. There you can select an area of interest via google maps and download a GLTF file which captures the landscape in 3D. The software needs an API key which can be requested via the Google Developer tools.

After downloading a GLTF file, the 3D model needs to be made 3D-printable. There are online GLTF to STL converters but a bit of care needs to be taken to end up with an actually printable STL. My selected area of interest only has slight height differences in the landscape which are handled by placing the STL file on a base which compensates for these differences. Your 3D slicer can also generate structure to support inclinations in the landscape.

The 3D model generated by Google Earth is quite noisy and can contain floating parts and holes. It may be needed to edit the STL mesh directly. Selecting a slightly shifted area of interest may also solve problems with the edges of the print: take care to chop less buildings in two.

Have fun printing your own piece of the world!

Fig: a 3D model for the Ghent city center visualized with an Three.js STL viewer.


~ Olaf in print - Elektor magazine article on Acoustic Fingerprinting

Fig: Olaf on the frontpage of Elektor!

Elektor, a hobby electronics magazine, recently featured an article on acoustic fingerprinting using the ESP32. It is included in a special edition on Espressive products like the ESP32. This article includes content previously published on this blog and other writings about Olaf.

Since the article is based on my writings, there was an agreement to allow one of their writers to compose the magazine article under my name. This was my first experience with having a ghostwriter – quite convenient, I must say. Although it’s somewhat apparent that the article is compiled from various sources, I am overall pleased with the outcome. It even made the front page!

Elektor has a rich history, dating back to the early 1960s when it was first published in Dutch as ‘Elektuur’. I have fond memories of browsing Elektuur at my nerdy uncle’s place. If anything, this article has certainly earned me some nerd credibility points in my uncle’s eyes.

Please take a moment to read the Espressive Special Edition of Elektor Magazine.

~ Look, Ma! No Javascript! A case against the overuse of Javascript

Fig: Hammer vs. screw. Not the right tool for the job.

For the last couple of years this blog has not been using any Javascript. During the last decade this has become quite rare. Only 1.2% of websites do not use Javascript I see this as a problem. In this text I want to argue that Javascript is perhaps not always the right tool for the job. Especially for web-pages which visitors simply want to read and where no explicit interactive actions are wanted from a user perspective, I see Javascript as detrimental.

I was triggered to write this by a few observations. One is by a Rails frontend framework which claims that “the only technology we should be using to create web UI is JavaScript”. This implies that the whole DOM should be rendered by Javascript. On the other hand there are frameworks which now advertise server side rendering as new feature like Blazor and Nuxt. The old thing is new again.

Let’s look at a few examples. Take visiting news website. On a news site, a user expects to be able to read current news, reviews, opinions, .. and there is no expectation of interactivity. Basically, a news site could work equally well on physical paper, as was the case for the last century or more. Ideally, a news site is a static HTML page with an easy to follow layout and some images, perhaps some static ads, with information flowing in a single direction.

If we look at, for example, the Guardian, we do not get this ideal experience, instead 82 Javascript files are loaded and the full website takes six full seconds to load on a fast fiber connection. The site even tries to load files from other domains. This bloat results in 8 website programming errors and CORS-issues. The Guardian website is far from the worst example of this sprawl of Javascript, the front-end for the Guaridan is even developed in the open.

Another news site is Hacker News. With its focus on Sillicon valley and technical news, this site has probably one of the most tech-savvy readers and … it does not rely on Javascript for functioning. There is a single small, readable 150 line script to improve usability but that is it. The makes the the website fast, easily indexable, straightforward to maintain, accessible, future-proof, failsafe, and compatible with even the most basic browsers and screen-readers.

Similarly, this blog is a dynamic Rails site but thanks to extensive use of server-side rendering and caching it behaves more like a static site generator: once everything is cached, the application mostly serves static HTML fragments. The client-side requirements are minimal as well: since no Javascript is used to modify the DOM - or even at all - lay-outing is straightforward.

Note that some blog posts feature advanced web application prototypes which do use a boatload of Javascript e.g. to convert audio, visualize audio, interact with micro-controllers or MIDI instruments,… . These prototypes use many of the available browser APIs like the Web Audio API, WebAssembly, Web MIDI API, Web Bluetooth API, WebGL, …. I really do like targeting modern browsers with offer many possibilities to build easy-to-use applications. But that is exactly a distinction that needs to be made: applications versus pages. Javascript versus No Javascript.

~ Clap detection - Trigger your anything

Fig: Clap twice for light.

There is something about surprising interfaces. Having a switch to turn on a light gets quite boring after a while. Turning on a light by clapping twice, on the other hand, has some kind of magic feel to it. In a recent Mr Beast video he and his gang visit a number of expensive houses and in one of those mansions there is a light operated by clapping twice. I am not sure about the blatant materialism, but it got me thinking on how to build a similar clap-operated light yourself.

So, what are the elements needed: first a microphone to pick up sound. Second an algorithm is needed that detects claps. And finally, something that reacts to claps: a light or something else.

Many devices have microphones so sound input is relatively easy, and with some creativity there are many things waiting to be ‘clap triggered’: vacuum robots, sunscreens, lights, in-house ventilation, … The main difficulty is implementing a efficient clap-detection algorithm. Luckily there are already a few described in the literature. I have based my ANSI C implementation on ‘Duxbury, C., et al (2003). Complex domain onset detection for musical signals’.

My version of the clap-detection algorithm has two parameters which might need adapting to fit your environment. The silence threshold determines the minimum loudness for a clap to be triggered. The onset threshold determines more or less how ‘percussive’ the sound needs to be: the idea is to only react to things sounding like a clap and not to e.g. a loud whistle or other sounds. This is what the onset threshold tries to control. You can try it out below:

Demo: click the ‘start audio’ to capture your microphone and try to clap clearly twice. Lower the parameters if nothing happens.

Clap detection on a micro-controller

With this working we now can try to run this code on a micro-controller. Running it on a micro-controller makes it more practical in daily use to e.g. switch on lights. A low-cost ESP32 with a MEMS microphone is a good platform: these microcontrollers are easy to use and have WiFi connectivity which opens the possibility to trigger commands to smart sockets or other WiFi-enabled devices. The pector GitHub repository contains an Arduino project to run the clap-detection algorithm on an ESP32 or similar device (Teensy, RP2040,… ).

Clap detection in the command line

Next to the main clap detection software, there is a small script to trigger commands when a clap is detected. In this case, the script waits for a double clap and then pushes updates to a git repository. There are two reasons for this: the first is that it is fun, the second is for bragging rights. Not that many people can say they once pushed source code simply by clapping twice. It is, however, a challenge to find people who have the patience to listen to me explaining what I have done and who are impressed by this feat, so maybe there is only one reason: it is fun. Below a screen capture can be found pushing code to the pector repository.

Vid: pushing code by clapping

Have a look at the pector GitHub repository for more info on how you can make your websites/apps/command line tools/devices clap controlled!

~ NextCube, IRCAM Musical Workstation Demo @ Science Day

I will be demoing an early digital music workstation at the Flanders 2023 Science Day. During the Science Day there will be demonstrations of several of the electronic music heritage instruments of the collection of IPEM, which used to be an early electronic music production studio. In the collection is a vintage analog synthesizer (an EMS Synthi 100), a Yamaha DX7, an analog plate reverb audio effect processor and, finally, a NeXTcube with a unique sound-card and early digital music workstation software.

The NeXTcube is an influential machine in computing history. The NeXTcube, with an additional soundcard, was also one of the first off-the-shelf devices for high-quality, real-time music applications. I have restored a NeXTcube to run an early version of MAX, an environment for interactive music applications. This combination of software and hardware was developed at IRCAM and was known as the IRCAM Musical Workstation or IRCAM Signal Processing Workstation. See my previous blog posts on Electronic Music and the NeXTcube and USB MIDI interface for the NeXTCube

Fig: the NeXTcube’s design stood out compared to the contemporary beige box PCs.

The IPEM collection of electronic music instruments is unique with the aim to reintroduce the instruments into daily music practice an turn them into living heritage. For example in 2020, the Dewaele Brothers released the album made exclusively on the IPEMEMS Synthi 100’ synthesizer. The NeXTcube demo will be hands-on as well. See you there!

~ Introduction on Music Information Retrieval

I have been asked to give a guest lecture introducing Music Information Retrieval for the course ‘Foundations of Musical Acoustics and Sonology’ at Ghent University. The lecture slides include interactive demos with live sound visualization and can be found below.

As we delve into the intricacies of how machines can analyze and understand musical content, students will gain insights into the cutting-edge research field that underpins modern music technology. From the algorithms powering music recommendation systems to the challenges of extracting meaningful information from audio signals, the lecture aims to ignite curiosity and inspire the next generation of musicologists in both music and technology. Get ready for an engaging session that promises to unlock the doors to a world where the science of sound meets the art of music.

Thanks to ChatGTP for the slightly over-the-top intro text above. Anyway, here you can find my introduction to Music Information Retrieval slides . Especially the interactive slides are perhaps of interest. The lecture was given in the Art-Science Interaction Lab (ASIL) which has a seven meter wide screen, which affects the slide design a bit.

presentation screenshot
Fig: Click the screenshot to go to the 'Introduction to Music Information Retrieval' slides.

~ Doorbell triggered Halloween window projection

Skull video projectionFig: Door projection as imagined by DALL.E.

I did a thing, and, similar to most stuff made here, it is quite a bit of effort and rather pointless. In that sense, it is a bit like life itself. Anyhow, it seems that the Halloween tradition of trick-or-treating has found a strong foothold in mainland Europe. Due to social embeddedness, I prepared Halloween themed projection that responds to my door-bell. I have a glass door, which is ideal for scary projections. The idea is to have a continuous door projection but with a twist: when kids press the doorbell a projected ghost reacts and rushes towards them along with a loud ghostly scream.

This blog post details the technical setup with the intention to inspire similar projects and serve as documentation for next year. First we need a way react to the doorbell.

Doorbell trigger setup

I sourced a couple of FSR‘s from a “sound book” that I had taken apart. Most of these sound books with e.g. animal sounds are meant for toddlers and have a some type of button and a small electronics circuit to make sound. Some of these books work with FSR ’buttons’ which are similar in size to a doorbell. I took a single FSR from such a book.

I attached the FSR to a “Teensy LC” micro-controller with an additional resistor and put it in a small 3D-printed case. The Teensy was programmed to emit a MIDI Note On event when the FSR/doorbell is pressed. A Note Off follows when the button is released. Once it is connected via USB to a computer it is essentially regarded as a digital piano with only a single key. Making a micro-controller pretend to be a standard MIDI device is very practical since the message passing protocol is standardized and well supported by many types of systems. MIDI is also optimized for low-latency communication. Via the Web MIDI API there is even support for MIDI in web browsers.

Video projection

While software like Resolume allows for complex interactive video projections, my requirements are more modest: I need a continuous background video and I want the ‘scare’ video and audio to appear when the doorbell is triggered. I opted for a browser-based solution: multi-media capabilities, scripting and MIDI support are all present in modern browsers. Running things in a browser has advantages: there is no need for specialized software, it is easy to program, easy to run, relatively stable and future-proof. The proof-of-concept can be seen below. For the actual projection on a window or door you need to first cover the glass with a thin layer of white paper which lets most light through. A white paper tablecloth works well.

Demo: click the ‘start video’ to start the background video and click doorbell if you dare…

The code is not much special and a bit hacky but can be found attached. The download includes the “html, javascript, css, video, audio and the micro-controller software for a doorbell-triggered projection”.

~ Started at the Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities

Gent gemapt
Fig: Gent Gemapt, an recent GhentCDH project.

From the first of October I started at the Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities as research software engineer. GhentCDH " engages in the field of ‘Digital Humanities’ at Ghent University, ranging from archaeology and geography to linguistics and cultural studies. GhentCDH develops DH collaboration and supports research projects, teaching activities and infrastructure projects across the faculties".

I will be helping with the many projects they are involved in: ranging form public research valorization to internal research tools. I am sure I will learn a lot by discussing projects with a diverse range of researchers and hope to consolidate my expertise in the area of mulitimedia analysis and annotation in some ways. The current areas of expertise can be found on their website:

A recent GhentCDH project is Gent Gemapt or Ghent mapped ‘an interatcive platform which connects places, historical maps and heritage collections which each other and the wider audience’.

Previous blog posts

27-09-2023 ~ Acoustic fingerprinting in the browser with Olaf

27-09-2023 ~ Resampling audio via a Web Audio API Audio Worklet

26-09-2023 ~ ESP32 I2S WiFi Microphone

26-09-2023 ~ ESP32 Olaf - Overly Lightweight Acoustic Fingerprinting on the ESP32

22-09-2023 ~ A Python wrapper for Olaf - Acoustic fingerprinting in Python

08-09-2023 ~ Installing a self-hosted UniFi Network Server on Debian 11

04-09-2023 ~ How Shazam IDs songs

01-09-2023 ~ Dragon! Sound effects for board games

23-08-2023 ~ ☀️ Solar sockets - Delivers power only on solar energy surplus

27-07-2023 ~ Is a frequency present in a signal? A C implementation.